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Introducing Advanced Anomaly Detection and Prevention Solution.

Our advanced anomaly and prevention solution detects and prevents major and minor issues related to your business processes, including C-level tasks, decision making, and forecasting.

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The problem

Discover Anomalies Before They Become Crises.


What are Anomalies and who is affected?

Who is affected?

In today’s digital world, undetected anomalies in the business operation or IT systems can lead to costly disruptions, security breaches, and operational failures. Without a well-established strategy and IT support for anomaly detection, businesses are left vulnerable to unexpected issues that could have been mitigated or avoided altogether.

Anomalies are irregular or unexpected deviations from the usual operation. These deviations can indicates potential risks such as system failures, security incidents, operational disruption or fraud.

Financial loss.

Internal and Payment Frauds.

Maintenance cost: expensive repairs and downtime.

Operational Dispution.

Network security incidents:
data loss and operational shutdowns.
Process interruptions and significant
production halts.

Data Security Risks.

Data theft, legal and reputational damage.
Unauthorized access to sensitive data
poses a serious security risk.

Loss of Customer Trust.

Decreased service quality:
frequent errors or downtime.
Negative customer experiences: reducing loyalty and increasing churn.

Production and Quality Issues.

Manufacturing defects impacting product quality.
Unexpected downtime can reduce productivity.

Logistics and Supply Chain Issues.

Stock shortages or excess inventory buildup.
Delivery delays.

detecting anomalies in overall business performance, such as unexpected drops in revenue or customer churn, can indicate underlying issues that need immediate attention.

For example, a sudden decrease in customer satisfaction scores may

signal product or service quality problems that could harm the company’s reputation.

As the CEO,


Cost Efficiency

Early detection and prevention of anomalies can save significant costs associated with downtime, repairs, and lost productivity. Preventing issues before they escalate reduces the financial impact on your business.

Increased Security

Identify and prevent security threats before they materialize, safeguarding your sensitive data and intellectual property from potential breaches and attacks.

Operational Continuity

Maintain uninterrupted operations by preemptively addressing issues that could lead to disruptions. Anomaly prediction ensures that your business remains resilient and responsive to emerging challenges

Competitive Advantage

Leverage cutting-edge predictive technology to stay ahead of competitors. By anticipating and addressing issues before they impact your business, you can maintain a  competitive edge in the market.

The Benefits of Informula’s Anomaly Detection Solution.

Early detection = less loss.
Our solution is real-time.

< 6 months detection time

31% of all cases recognized under 6 months, on average, results in $30.000 loss.

25-48 months detection time

Detecting a loss years after it occurs results in a financial loss of $250.000 - $650.000.

7-12 months detection time

21% of all cases, on average $111.000 loss, already almost tripling the early detection amount.

>60 months detection time

Average loss of $875.000 occurs if the fraud is detected after a 5 year span.

Our Brand New AI-Driven Anomaly Detection Mathematical Algorithm (Direct Comparison).

How it works?


Parameters are set entirely by self-adaptive mathematical algorithms.


Detect any new hidden anomalies thathave never occurred before.

No Human Intervention

Automatic actions and responses. Promptintervention


A stable solution based on exact computation, not random statistical decisions.

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A stable solution based on exact computation, not random statistical decisions.


Detect any new hidden anomalies that
have never occurred before.

No Human Intervention

Automatic actions and responses. Prompt


To demonstrate anomaly detection, we have created a solution where we search for anomalies by analysing card transactions.

Anomaly Detection for Card Payment Fraud.

The problem

Image 2 sources:
1. Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) Report 2023 - This source provides comprehensive data on the financial impacts of internal and external
fraud on businesses.
2. PwC Global Economic Crime and Fraud Survey 2022 - This survey offers insights into the prevalence and financial effects of economic crimes and fraud.
3. KPMG Fraud Barometer 2023 - This report outlines trends in internal and external fraud, including the financial losses incurred by companies.
4. Deloitte Forensic Center 2023 - This source analyzes the cost and frequency of fraud incidents in various industries globally.
5. IBM Security Report 2023 - This report provides detailed statistics on the financial losses due to fraud and other economic crimes.

Image 1 sources:
1. **Allianz Risk Barometer 2024** - This source provides extensive analysis of the growing threat of cyber attacks and their fi nancial impacts [oai_citation:1,Allianz Risk Barometer 2024 - Cyber incidents | Allianz Commercial]( incidents.html).
2. **Embroker 2024 Must-Know Cyber Attack Statistics and Trends** - This source provides detailed data and statistics on the financial losses and frequency of cyber attacks on companies [oai_citation:2,2024 Must-Know Cyber Attack Statistics and Trends | Embroker](
3. **Parachute Cyber Attack Statistics 2024** - This report outlines the impacts and costs of cyber attacks across various industries [oai_citation:3,Cyber Attack Statistics (Updated June 2024) - Parachute](
4. **Security Intelligence 2024 Cyber Crime Losses Report** - This source summarizes the global financial impacts of cybercrime and the expected growth trends
[oai_citation:4,$10.3 Billion in Cyber Crime Losses Shatters Previous Totals]( -billion-in-cyber-crime-losses-shatters-previous- totals/).

The forecast assumes a conservative annual growth rate of 8%, based on the data from these sources and historical trends.

2/3 - Data Architecture


3/3 - Demo Video

1/3 - Solution Architecture


How it works exactly?

Below, you can find the most important features of our anomaly detection framework.

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Real-time Anomaly Detection

Continuously monitor data
ensuring prompt intervention.

Real-time Anomaly Prediction

Predict potentional

future anomalies.

AI-driven Vulnerability Analysis

Finding hidden information and
understanding the causaiton of
complex context.

Unique Feature


Enhance information extracting
for text-based inputs, revealing
hidden relationships.

Adaptive Variable


Decreasing noise and
increasing power of analysis.

Scalable Cloud-native

IT Infrastructure

Highly parallelized cloud-
computing technology.


Find answers to common questions about our internal fraud prevention service.

  • How does it work?
    Our internal fraud prevention solution works by analyzing data patterns, detecting anomalies and providing real-time alerts of potential fraud incidents.
  • Is it customizable?
    Yes, our internal fraud prevention solution can be customized to meet the specific needs and requirements of your organization.
  • What are the benefits?
    The benefits of our internal fraud prevention solution include reducing financial losses, protecting sensitive data and improving overall security measures.
  • How can I get started?
    To get started with our internal fraud prevention service, simply contact our team and we will guide you through the process.
  • Is it cost-effective?
    Yes, our internal fraud prevention solution offers a cost-effective way to mitigate the risks of internal fraud and protect your organization.

Get in touch with us.

Contact us today for more information or apply for a free consultation.

Below are the most relevant Sectors for Informula’s Anomaly Detection Solution.

Sectors and Use Cases


The Solution 

AI-driven Anomaly Detection and Prevention System Build with Confluent.

Informula is proud to be a part of the Build with Confluent initiative. By verifying our streaming-based use cases with Confluent, you can have confidence that our Confluent-based service offering is not only built on the leading data streaming platform but also verified by the experts at Confluent.


Early detection and management of anomalies are crucial for minimizing risks, ensuring business continuity and maintaining the company’s reliability.

Hidden, unforeseen and malicious attempts at your business must be stopped real-time. Many times, reacting once something has already happened and already inflicted damage is not enough...


Real-time Anomaly Detection.

Real-time anomaly detection safeguards your business from hidden, unforeseen, and unknown dangers in milliseconds. Tracking of your operations identifies and addresses potential issues before they escalate, ensuring your business remains healthy and resilient.

Real-time Intervention.

Validating signals generated by approximate solutions from uncertain data requires significant human resources, leading to increased costs and slower protection processes. Continuously monitor data with instant alerts for any anomalies, ensuring immediate intervention without human interaction. This guarantees your business remains protected against all types of AI-driven attacks.

Anomaly Forecasting.

By analyzing events that preceded past anomalies, businesses can predict future anomalies with greater accuracy. For instance, in telecommunications, examining network traffic patterns that led to previous outages can help predict and prevent future service disruptions.

Proactive Risk Management.

Proactive risk management enables your business to take preemptive measures to mitigate risks, fostering a more stable and secure operational environment. Our unique AI-driven vulnerability analysis shows the deep insights into hidden information, understanding the source of causation in complex contexts

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